Friday, August 20, 2010

Runescape: 82-99 cooking?

How long do you think it will take me to get my cooking level up to 99. I usually cook Lobsters %26amp; I play for 2-3hours almost everyday. My fishing level is 78 so it shouldn't take long to get lobsters.Runescape: 82-99 cooking?

I think a long time.

If you're a member you could fish something only members can fish.Runescape: 82-99 cooking?
Don't play that game. If your gonna waste ur time play WoW at least.
like 1 month if u buy the lobs 3 or 4 if u fish em.
i have 99 cooking on one of my rs accounts it would be alot faster if u just buy the food and cook it but probably take you a month to get 99
If you had an auto it wouldnt take more than 3 days but i would suggest to download a human like auto so you dont get banned
if you play for 2-3 hours a day then it should take you 2 - 3 weeks
grind sit their everyday const for abt 2 months till your hands bleed just so you can get a little g@/ message pop up saying yu have achieved lame lvl 99 and if member a skillcape
a pretty long time dude

when u get to lvl 92 in a skill ur only half way to 99 [in experience wise]

so ya once u get there ur only half way

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